I love my film cameras. I would actually prefer to use film and not digital. I can only speak for myself, but I tend to think more with the image and the light due to not being able to see the image to delete or tweak at that moment. It's film once you open the shutter the image is permanent on that film and there is no delete button on film. You have to see it in your mind and keep it there until your film is developed. Don't get me wrong, digital is convenient. It allows for you to give the client a glance at what you just shot. You are able to get images the same day. I love my digital cameras, but I will never stop using film. Check out the Film is Not Dead group on
Facebook. If you have never held a film camera or shot with one borrow one and just go blind for a day. I promise you it will be a great challenge. Here are some film images with Kodak Portra 160NC, Kodak Ektar 100, and Ilford XP2 Super 400 black and white film. Taken with a Canon EOS 3 with a 135mm 2.8f soft focus lens.

Film is Not Dead Facebook fan page
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